Details and Potential Residential and Commercial UnitsBelow are details on land parcels with the potential number of units of development from the proposed zoning changes. There is a potential residential increase of 600 units. This could be even more because apartments and mixed use are allowed on the Commercial property. Commercial property generates more traffic than residential, and although "units" are harder to approximate based on acreage, this proposal is for between 400 and 1,400 commercial units or more.
The proposal would change some parcels from "Business Park / Light Industrial" to Medium Density Residential (8-12 units per acre), and some from Low Density Residential (LDR) to "Neighborhood Commercial." Commercial development typically generates much more traffic than residential. More info below table. (Parcel numbers from map at bottom).
*Commercial Density converted to "Equivalent Residential Units" (ERU) for traffic purposes.
To make a comparison of the amount of development allowed in Commercial zones and Residential zones, the Commercial area is converted to units of development, called "Equivalent Residential Units" (ERU).
"One ERU is equivalent to, on average, two multi-family residential units, approximately 150 square feet (sf) of retail space, and approx. 600 sf of office space." (Source: Black Diamond's The Villages Phase 2 Traffic Monitoring Report).