June 14, 2020
There is a process the city must follow as they update the Comprehensive Plan, which means there are ways we can plan to be engaged to stop the Rezone (the up-zoning shown in the 2019 Future Land Use Map). The more people who comment, the better chance of success. The Black Diamond Comprehensive Plan changes is THE key document to control (or curb) future development. The Planning Commission could recommend removal of potential up-zones of over 1,000 from the Comprehensive Plan that were slipped in without analysis last year. Steps: 1. The Planning Commission will meet, possibly multiple times, then set a public hearing date. 2. The Public Hearing on potential changes to the Comprehensive Plan should include the public's suggested changes, per BDMC 16.10.140. 3. The Planning Commission will have the chance to review and vote on each individual Comp Plan amendment suggestion to create a formal "preliminary docket" recommendation to the City Council. Staff may try to prevent votes on the public's suggested amendments by asking the Commission to take one vote on staff's recommended changes and rushing the Commission. 4. The City Council will meet publicly and adopt the recommendations as written, or hold their own public hearing if they wish to make changes. The schedule is for Council review in November, and adoption of the Comp Plan changes in December. Commenting to the Planning Commission more than once is worthwhile, because a commissioner spends a short time reading your comments, but a long time in meetings run by staff who have opposed the public's changes. Developer School Impact Fees: On this issue, staff informed the Commission that the developer school impact fee to help pay developer's share of new schools is still something City government is likely to do. The staff plan is to work on this via an "emergency" process for adoption prior to December. The Planning Commission will hold a separate public hearing on adopting changes that will allow Developer School Impact Fees. There will be a Council meeting on the same topic.