June 7, 2020
Since 2011, the Enumclaw School District has asked Black Diamond to adopt a developer fee of $12,000 per unit of new housing. Similar changes are needed in Tahoma and Kent School District. This would offset the approximately $35,000 in capital cost per unit of new housing it will actually take to build new schools. Any money not collected by these developer fees is passed on to voters (YOU) for a new school tax bond to be added to your real estate taxes. In March 2020, Black Diamond started the process of changing the Comprehensive Plan to include school district capital plans. This would allow the Council to finally decide to collect developer school impact fees. However, the Planning Commission must act first, and the March Planning Commission meeting was cancelled. Now in June the Planning Commission agenda does not include this issue. This inaction sets us up for schools crowding and higher taxes. To avoid residents of Black Diamond and Enumclaw paying even more for schools (in addition to the 7 proposed schools in Ten Trails that will already require tax increases for over 90% of their cost), the city needs to adopt developer school impact fees. The city should set them at the maximum $12,000, because even this maximum will still leave the majority of the burden of new school costs on taxpayers.