Dear Planning Commission and City Council: Our Puget Sound Region's housing demand is near large existing transit hubs and job centers; not Black Diamond.
- It is not possible for Black Diamond to have enough high paying jobs to employ the people in the thousands of houses already being built here. This means long commutes, some for families that commute to low wage jobs.
- Our Regional Plan keeps "edge cities" like Black Diamond small and still accommodates all the growth coming to the Seattle area. By attempting to allow more housing and commercial and mixed use, Black Diamond is ignoring the infrastructure, environmental, and neighboring city and county coordination requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA).
- When too many people buy housing in distant suburbs like Black Diamond, the state’s road budget cannot do enough to fix the traffic congestion; nor can local cities and counties. It is planned failure.
- Being an urban area as defined by the GMA does not mean developers can just "build whatever they want." Their development has a massive impact on our rights as taxpayers, road users, and neighbors.
- Black Diamond is not the same as Seattle - should we build at the same density as Seattle just because we are both within the Urban Growth Boundary??
- Black diamond is facing a shortage in fire and emergency service funding. More growth will exacerbate this.
- School taxes are sky-high in places that have grown quickly in a short time. Black Diamond should correct its failure to make developers pay their share of schools by removing the 50% discount on school fees developers now get. The Comp Plan should recommend full developer impact fees for schools needed for new growth.
Please replace the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map with the map that governed until 2018. This will remove the "re-zones" that were not analyzed and would result in too much housing and traffic. Adopt all the citizen-suggested Comp Plan amendments.
Black Diamond 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update.
Comments due to City by November 30, 2020.
Sample Email:,
Dear Planning Commission and City Council:
Our Puget Sound Region's housing demand is near large existing transit hubs and job centers; not Black Diamond.
- It is not possible for Black Diamond to have enough high paying jobs to employ the people in the thousands of houses already being built here. This means long commutes, some for families that commute to low wage jobs.
- Our Regional Plan keeps "edge cities" like Black Diamond small and still accommodates all the growth coming to the Seattle area. By attempting to allow more housing and commercial and mixed use, Black Diamond is ignoring the infrastructure, environmental, and neighboring city and county coordination requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA).
- When too many people buy housing in distant suburbs like Black Diamond, the state’s road budget cannot do enough to fix the traffic congestion; nor can local cities and counties. It is planned failure.
- Being an urban area as defined by the GMA does not mean developers can just "build whatever they want." Their development has a massive impact on our rights as taxpayers, road users, and neighbors.
- Black Diamond is not the same as Seattle - should we build at the same density as Seattle just because we are both within the Urban Growth Boundary??
- Black diamond is facing a shortage in fire and emergency service funding. More growth will exacerbate this.
- School taxes are sky-high in places that have grown quickly in a short time. Black Diamond should correct its failure to make developers pay their share of schools by removing the 50% discount on school fees developers now get. The Comp Plan should recommend full developer impact fees for schools needed for new growth.
Please replace the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map with the map that governed until 2018. This will remove the "re-zones" that were not analyzed and would result in too much housing and traffic. Adopt all the citizen-suggested Comp Plan amendments.
Your Name, Black Diamond
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